Counter Strike 1.6 commands
+ Attack - Shot
+ Attack2 - Turns on the zoom toggle mode burst of automatic fire and glocku and Clarion, assumes the silencer on the m4 and usp.
+ Back - Go back
+ Commandmenu - Enable commandmenu. This menu is typically the bound under the "H".
+ Duck - Crouch
+ Forward - Moves forward
+ Graph - Shows the player stats and ping
+ Jlook - You can look around using the joystick
+ Jump - Jump
+ Klook - You can look around using the keyboard
+ Left - Clockwise rotation
+ Lookdown - Looking down
+ Lookup - Looks up
+ Mlook - You can look around using the mouse
+ Movedown - Going down (the ladder, influencing the water)
+ Moveleft - Goes to the right
+ Moveright - Goes left
+ Moveup - Climb (the ladder, setting out from under the water)
+ Nvgadjust - Enable Night Vision
+ Reload - Reloads gun
+ Right - Rotate right
+ Score - Shows the player stats and ping
+ Showscores - Shows the player stats and ping
+ Speed - Stealth
+ Use - You can use the buttons, rescue the hostages, driving, etc..
+ Voicerecord - You can chat with other players through a microphone
//////////// These commands work only if the command is enabled thirdperson * ////////////
+ Camdistance - Moves the "chase cam" away from the player
+ Camin - Moves the "chase cam" to the front
+ Cammousemove - Moves the "chase cam" with a mouse
+ Camout - Moves the "chase cam" back
+ Campitchdown - Reduces the cap "chase cam" when looking down?
+ Campitchup - Increases the cap "chase cam" when looking up?
+ Camyawleft - Tilts chase cam "in the left
+ Camyawright - Tilts chase cam "in the right
_cl_autowepswitch "1" - on / off automatically change to a stronger weapon if you have one. [0-1]
_restart - Shuts down and restarts the game.
_setrenderer - Select a rendering mode: opengl or d3d. [Opengl/d3d]
_setgamedir - Set the path to the game directory.
_setvideomode - Sets the screen resolution, eg 800 x 600 _setvideomode [640 x 480-1600 x 1200]
_snd_mixahead "0.1" - is responsible for the time (in sec) in so far as mixing the sound before you hear it. With the radical changes in values, you can get sound from the late, or we can lose packets (loss).
adjust_crosshair - Change the color viewfinder.
addip "Minutes" - Bans player in the IP, eg addip 3. Ban a player for 5 minutes. If someone is not giving the ban a minute so he will get a perm.
alias - Allows you to assign multiple commands to one key.
allow_spectators "1" - Allows players to join as observers. [0-1]
ambient_fade "100" - Sets the distance, where the sounds of moving away in August.
ambient_level "0300" - Sets the audio level for "ambient sounds."
appenddemo - Records demo.dem and attach them to the existing demos in cstrike.
autobuy - Buys weapons and equipment included in the file autobuy in cstrike.
ati_npatch "1" - on / off support for ATI TRUFORM. Set to "1" gives the effect of a higher quality models, but it affects performance. [0-1]
ati_subdiv "2" - The higher the value, the more polygons are added to models in order to smooth out. You need to have 'ati_npatch 1'. [0-7]
banid - Bans player in the Steam_ID.
bgetmod - Displays information about the console port of the client, server port and server ip.
bind - Gives the function key: bind "key" command ". One key can be assigned more than one command.
bgmbuffer "4096" - Sets the assigned / reserved kilobytes of memory for music CD/MP3.
bgmvolume "1" - When set to "0" pauses the currently played sound to play with the command "play mp3" to enable the current sound again change the value to "1". [0-1]
bottomcolor "0" - Sets the color of your floor in the HL model that others can see (does not work cs.) [0-255]
brightness "0" - Sets the brightness. [0-2]
buy - Opens the buy menu.
buyequip - Opens the menu, buying accessories - grenades, vest.
buyammo1 - Buys ammunition for rifles.
buyammo2 - Buys ammunition for pistols.
c_maxdistance "200" - Sets the distance MAXimum "chase cam".
c_maxpitch "90" - Sets MAXimum cap (vertically), "chase cam".
c_maxyaw "135" - Sets MAXimum ceiling (horizontal) "chase cam".
c_mindistance "30" - Sets the minimum distance "chase cam".
c_minpitch "0" - Sets the minimum threshold (vertical) and "chase cam".
c_minyaw "-135" - Sets the minimum threshold (horizontal) "chase cam".
cam_command "0" - Enables trzecioosobowy (the same as "thirdperson"). Must be sv_cheats "1", To command, starting with cam_ work you need to change the najp [ierw. [0-1]
cam_contain "0" - on / off automatically setting the camera in every room. [0-1]
cam_idealdist "64" - Sets the distance between the camera, and a model player.
cam_idealpitch "0" - Sets the camera cap (vertically).
cam_idealyaw "90" - Sets a ceiling camera (horizontal).
cam_snapto "0" - If it is on view camera angles are moving with the same prspeeds prompted at you, instead of moving faster than the player. [0-1]
cd - Controls features a CD player, (formula = cd command value, eg: cd play 1). List of commands: "close" - "Close your CD-ROM drive, eject - Open CD-ROM," info "- Displays the number of audio tracks and current status.
"Loop" (song) - It seems the order to CDek play the song over and over, "off" - Turns off music from CD, "on" - Turns on music from a CD, "pause" - pause, "play (song)" - command the CD to play on the path, "remap" - Displays the order in which tracks are to be played, "remap" (track) (track) ... (Track) - Set new order to play songs from a CD, "reset" - Deletes the CD features "resume" - Complete the track after the previous zapauzowaniu, "Stop" - Stops the currently played track.
chase_active "0" - This is the same as the command thirdperson, except that it only works in SinglePlayerMode and when moving the mouse closer and further away the camera from the player model. [0-1]
chase_back "100" - Sets the distance between the camera and the player model when it is set chase_active "1".
chase_right "0" - Sets how far the camera is up to the right side when it is set chase_active "1". If we want the camera was on the left side we need to use negative values.
chase_up "16" - Sets if the camera is above the player model when it is set chase_active "1".
cancelselect - Cancel selection
changelevel <map> - Changes the map without having to remove players from the server.
changelevel2 <map> - Changes the map without having to remove players from the server, you can continue the previous round.
chooseteam - Opens a menu of team selection.
/ / / CL_ \\
cl_allowdownload "1" - on / off download maps, sounds, models and sprites at the connection to the server.
cl_allowupload "1" - on / off upload maps, sounds, models and sprites at the connection to the server.
cl_anglespeedkey "0670" - Sets the speed at which the directional keys change the viewing angle.
cl_backspeed "400" - Sets the rate of retreat of the player (can be set as allowed by the server)
cl_bob "0.01" - Sets the speed and frequency with which weapons move during the course of the player.
cl_bobcycle "0800" - Sets the "eject" hand-held weapons.
cl_bobup "0500" - Sets the frequency "vibration" when running the player.
cl_chasedist "112" - Determines how far the camera is to be withdrawn at your death.
cl_clockreset "0.1" - If this command is set differently than cl_clockreset server can enforce the use of cl_clockreset server and reset the delta? But it can cause packet loss.
cl_cmdbackup "2" - Sets how many frames can be sent again.
cl_cmdrate "30" - is responsible for a number of times per second, the player sends packets to the server informing the server about its
cl_corpsestay "600" - Sets the time in seconds after which the body disappear
cl_crosshair_color "# # # # # # #" - Sets the color viewfinder
cl_crosshair_size "1/2/3" - Sets the size of the viewfinder
cl_crosshair_translucent "0" - on / off crosshair transparent
cl_dlmax "128" - Sets the size of the fragment and player textures cells decals'ow (range: 16:1024, the numbers must be
multiple of 16).
cl_download_ingame "1" - on / off download maps, sounds, models, sprites and decalsów during the game.
cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" - on / off dynamic crosshair (expanding at running, jumping, etc.).
cl_fixtimerate "7.5" - is the number of milliseconds per frame. The server sends the time-marking in each packet, and the client receives is only once per frame, and treated as a value to which you pursue (unless the delta becomes too large and the clock of the client changes the value of the server clock).
cl_forwardspeed "400" - Sets the player's running speed (can be set as allowed by the server)
cl_gaitestimation "1" - on / off movements to predict a player?
cl_gg "0" - on / off the ability to watch a demo of "gamegauge mode", using commands and viewdemo playdemo. after
watching the demo off the game, and information about fps'ach the demo will be recorded in the cstrike \\ fps.txt.
cl_himodels "0" - on / off better quality models.
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" - presents (mainly in joystickach) how many degrees the image can be corrected, when walking
on sloping surfaces. It is also used to maintain the level of the curves of surfaces (you must have lookstrafe "1"
and incorporated + mlook).
cl_lc "1" - is responsible for calculating and offsetting the latency (lag) by the server. (You must have cl_lw "1" and
server must be sv_unlag "1")
cl_lw "1" - is responsible for anticipating the shot, set as they are checked against the sound and animation.
cl_logocolor # Valve_Orange - Sets the color Sprey: # Valve_Blue, # Valve_Brown, # Valve_Dkgray, # Valve_Ltblue,
# Valve_Ltgray, # Valve_Green, # Valve_Orange, # Valve_Red, # Valve_Yellow.
cl_logofile lambda - Sets the type of Sprey: 8ball1, andre, camp1, chick1, chuckskull, devl1, Gun1, lambda, skull,
smiley, Splatt, twitching, v_1.
cl_messages - Shows the server information.
cl_minmodels "0" - on / off "truncated" models (a model of CT and a terrorist.)
cl_movespeedkey "0.4" - Sets the player's movement speed while sneaking.
cl_needinstanced "0" - on / off the console displays information about the models of weapons. It only works if it is set
developer 1 and the first sv_instancedbaseline
cl_nosmooth "0" - Sets the predictable mistakes that can be easily repaired at the time set in cl_smoothtime.
cl_observercrosshair "0" - on / off dating in spectator mode.
cl_pitchdown "89" - Sets the maximum angle when looking down.
cl_pitchspeed "225" - Sets the rate of change of angle of view, ie how fast the viewfinder will fell down after entering the
Lookdown command +, + lookup.
cl_pitchup "89" - Sets the maximum angle when looking up.
cl_pmanstats "0" - Displays information on the screen of smoke particles from the Smoke from all over the map. "Particles Drawn" is a
number of particles on your screen, and "CMiniMem Free" shows the amount of free memory for the smoke.
cl_radartype "0" - on / off the radar opaque.
cl_rate "9999" - Sets the maximum limit of bytes sent from client to server.
cl_resend "6" - Delay in seconds before re- prBoth connect to the server by the client (retrying connection
a server).
cl_righthand "1" - on / off view of weapons in his right hand
cl_shadows "1" - on / off shadows.
cl_showerror "0" - on / off on-screen display predictable mistakes at the end of each round.
cl_showevents "0" - on / off on-screen display events such as killing someone. All events are stored in
cstrike \\ events.
cl_showfps "0" - on / off display FPS'ów in the upper left corner of the screen.
cl_shownet "0" - 1 - displays inf. the size of incoming network packets, 2 - Displays inf. on
incoming network packets and their size. [0-2]
cl_sidespeed "400" - Sets the speed strafe'owania. Should be equal to cl_forwardspeed and cl_backspeed. It is
limited by sv_maxspeed.
cl_slist "10" - Specifies the time in which you have to wait for a response from the pingowaniu lost (do not know exactly).
cl_smoothtime "0.1" - Specifies the time at which the image will be smoothed after the expected error. When set to 0
we have problems with interpolation and the image can "jump".
cl_solid_players "1" - on / off constant view of player models.
cl_timeout "300" - Sets the time of inactivity after which the client loses the connection to the server.
cl_updaterate "20" - is responsible for a number of times per second, the player receives the data from the server.
cl_upspeed "320" - Ustawaia speed climbing, going into the player.
cl_vsmoothing "0.05" - called "smoothing, Image allows interpolation between the image vectors,
smooth / interpolates the source image and its angles.
cl_waterdist "4" - Sets the distance underwater.
cl_weather "1" - on / off weather effects such as rain de_aztek.
cl_yawspeed "210" - Sets the rotation speed.
clear - Clears the console.
clearplayers - Resets the list of players online.
clientport "27005" - Sets the port through which the client connects to the server.
clockwindow "0.5" - This command is designed to prevent the use speedhack by players, does not block the effect of SH, but it makes it feel when cziter lag. By changing the value of this command have an impact on customers' modems. It is a command to the server, not client.
cmdlist - Displays a list of console commands.
commentator - Sets a commentator for HLTV.
con_color - Sets the font color to Sayu.
con_notifytime "4" - Sets the time in seconds, after which the text disappears from the upper left corner (only developer "1"). [0 <]
condebug - In cstrike console.log file will be created containing all the messages that appear in the server console, from the start. Great for finding the problems so that a plugin does not work.
condump - Dumps the console to a file in cstrike. Do not overwrite files, ie, creates a sequentially numbered files named: condump1.txt, condump2.txt etc.
connect <ip> - Connects to the server.
console "1" - Not working since Steam. Once when she was set to "0" could not open the console.
contimes - Determines how many times you see each line of text?
coop "0" - The command developed for Quake, do not work in the HL, or cs. [0-1]
crosshair "1" - on / off red dot sniper rifle in a pinch. [0-1]
cvarlist - Displays a list of variables in the console. Incorrectly shows the string variables (such as hostname, servercfgfile, where you type text instead of value). Typing "cvarlist log" will save us a list of variables in a text file in cstrike.
d_spriteskip "0" - on / off faster rendering spritesów. [0-1]
deathmatch "0" - Sets whether the game is multiplayer "1" or Singleplayer "0".
default_fov "90" - Sets a "vision" in the HL. In cs only works when urzesz and look down on his body. In the HL allows you to zoom (zooming) in weapons, which do not have a zoom. [10-150]
delta_clear - Clears the statistics displayed through delta_stats.
delta_stats - Displays statistics / information to the console in several groups - I do not know exactly what.
dem_save - Saves a demo while watching viewdemo mode.
dem_start - Plays viewdemo demo mode.
dem_speed - Sets the speed of watching demos viewdemo mode.
dem_pause - Pauses demo viewdemo mode.
dem_forcehltv - Thanks to her we can see the simple demo of it would be a HLTV demo. [0-1]
dem_jump - Specifies to which the second demo "jump", for example dem_jump 12 - We will watch a demo of 12 seconds.
dev_overview "0" - Sets the view of the overview as it is in a folder on plikach.bmp overviews. Requires: sv_cheats "1" developer "1". [0-2]
developer "0" - set to "1" allows you to display advanced information on the screen and the console, many commands require the developer first It also allows you to unlock over 100 fps
disconnect - Disconnects from the server.
dlfile - In the form: "cmd dlfile filename" You could download files from the server .
drawradar - Shows the radar.
drop - Throws a weapon.
dropclient - Disconnects from the server.
echo "Message" - Displays the message in the console.
edgefriction "2" - Set on the banks of the friction surface. The higher the number you pressed the power is increasing, with large values \u200b\u200bof hard to fall from anywhere.
enableconsole - Allows you to display the console.
endmovie - Stops recording frame / picture frame.
Entities - Displays information about the console models, etc. map.
entity_dump - Displays information on the console (I do not know what).
escape - Cancels a choice, go to the game menu.
ex_extrapmax "1.2" - When we have a loss / choke, or other delays, the interpolation of data we may run out so the game begins extrapolować position of other players.
ex_interp "0.1" - Specifies that much time (ms) are interpolated models. Accepted values \u200b\u200bare times, after which if the game does not get information on the location of players you familiar with them. Often a change of command is being blocked by such additions as wwcl or HLGuard, values \u200b\u200babove 0.1 are blocked by the game itself. How wpiszemu ex_interp 0 August ex_interp should just automatically be calculated as 1/cl_updaterate, but in reality, the models will then jump and better calculate it yourself by following formula ex_interp = (1 / cl_updaterate) 0.02.
exec nazwa.cfg - opens *. cfg files or *. rc
exit - Out of the game.
fakelag "0" - simulates the lag, the higher the value the greater the lag. [0 <]
fakeloss "0" - simulates the loss, the greater the value the greater the loss. [0 <]
fastsprites - Sets the density / quality of the smoke - 0/1/2/3 - default - 2 more HERE. [0-3]
FirstPerson - Enables the first person mode. Requires sv_cheats "1" developer "1". [0-1]
flush - Clears the cache.
fps_max "72" - Sets the maximum number of fps, you can set more than 100 only if a developer "1" (though it makes no sense.) [1920-1000]
fps_modem - Sets the amount of adjustment increase fps while playing online (does not work, use fps_max).
fs_lazy_precache "0" - When set to "1" game when you connect to the server loads and loads all the sounds that will be used during the game, instead of files to be loaded when needed. Setting to "1" significantly increase the time you connect to a server, but speeds up after the game. [0-1]
fs_perf_warnings "0" - Displays console information resampling textures. Requires developer "1". [0-1]
fs_precache_timings "0" - set to "1" in the console displays information about sounds currently reenacted. Requires developer "1". [0-1]
fs_startup_timings "0" - displays in the console time and the details of connecting to the server. [0-1]
fullinfo - Shows information about the user.
fullserverinfo - Shows information about the server.
gamma "3" - Sets the gamma level. [1-3]
/ / / GL_ \\
gl_alphamin "0.25" - Controls the filtering of texture alpha-mask, ie grilles, fences, doors. It affects the appearance of their
edge. Higher values \u200b\u200bmake these objects look skinny, setting it to 1 makes it disappear. [0-1]
gl_affinemodels "0" - set to 1 accelerates the rendering of textures, at the expense of accuracy (effect may occur faster running). [0-1]
gl_clear "0" - set the visual quality of 0 / 1. Set to 1 clears the color buffer. Also used by mapperów as a tool to check whether the map is no "leakage / leakage." [0-1]
gl_cull "1" - Enables setting GL_CULL_FACE mean that the position of polygons odwrucone customer, are not rendered, which is less area for rendering, which means speeding up the process. [0-1]
gl_d3dflip "0" - Works only in D3D. Enables the inverted order / sequence renderownia. If you are using D3D and you have a problem with the mouse przycięciami smoke'u especially in this command is set to 1 [0-1]
gl_dither "1" - The 16-bit rendering can be used form of the scattering of colors, generating close
adjacent to the points of the constituent colors. On 32-bit unless there is no effect on the walls, but only at the sky. [0-1]
gl_dump - Displays information about the use / work the graphics card.
gl_flipmatrix "0" - set to 1, has something to do with the sight and zoom, but it only works on older graphics cards using 3dfx drivers. Used on other cards / drivers buguje snajperkach optical viewfinder. [0-1]
gl_fog - On / off the fog. It was created for CZeroBut in 1.6 it works. Probably only works on de_inferno_cz. [0-1]
gl_keeptjunctions "1" - on / off display of kinks between the textures. [0-1]
gl_lightholes "1" - on / off the light in the corners. [0-1]
gl_max_size "512" - Sets the size of the textures MAXimum. The value must be multiples of 16 If the texture is too large in proportion to the value of command is the texture will be reduced.
gl_monolights "0" - on / off a single source of light, without shadows. When you throw a grenade, you light a torch at this point is the color returns to normal. [0-1]
gl_overbright "0" - on / off saturated, more realistic lighting. [0-1]
gl_palette_tex "1" - on / off support for "flat" textures. [0-1]
gl_picmip "0" - Sets the rendering quality maps. The higher the value the faster the game, but definitely inferior quality. [0-3]
gl_playermip "0" - Sets the rendering quality players. The higher the value the faster the game, but the inferior quality of the models. [0-3]
gl_polyoffset "0.1 / 4 - Number of offsets per polygon (align polygons). When you set a high value, we can see the bullets, and blood sprays the walls, the so-called hack decal. ATI-"4", AND FOR nvidia "0.1".
gl_round_down "3" - is responsible for smoothing, precision textures. When the texture has to change the size (see gl_max_size) is dependent on the value of this command. The lower the value of this should be clearer textures, and the higher the value the worse the quality of textures, but much depends on the graphics card. [0-5]
gl_spriteblend "1" - Enables the combining sprites. Something like rendering for sprites. Set to 0 gives a lower quality of sprites, but it is more of a quantity, such as more blood. [0-1]
gl_texels - Shows how many texels in the console (the smallest points of texture on the screen) is sent to the graphics card.
gl_texturemode [Type] - Sets the type of texture: gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest, gl_nearest_mipmap_linear, gl_linear_mipmap_linear.
gl_wateramp "0.3" - Increases the waves on the water. You can not change the value of this command, it only changes the sv_wateramp.
gl_wireframe "0" - set to 1 shows the glowing lines on any surface, which slinik game draws on the screen, showing how the surface will be divided. Set to 2 does the same thing only shows the lines seen / passing through the wall. This command is used by mapperów to check what is already calculated to improve the performance of their maps. [0-3]
gl_zmax "4096" - Sets the size MAXimum zbuffer. It is visible distance MAXimum. Setting it to 0 in D3D, you can see through walls. The value can be changed only with sv_zmax.]
gl_ztrick "0" - set to 1, preventing the clear zbuffer'a between image frames. Set to 1 can increase the number of fps, but the objects seen from afar may blink / vibrate. [0-1]
gg - On / off the ability to watch a demo of "gamegauge mode", using commands and viewdemo playdemo. after watching the demo off the game, and information about fps'ach the demos are saved in the file cstrike \\ fps.txt.
god - On / Off mode "god", which can not hurt us, requires sv_cheats "1".
graphheight "64" - Sets the height net_graph.
Gunsmoke - Activate / deactivate departing smoke from the barrel during firing, significantly reduces fps.
hideconsole - Hides the console.
hideradar - Hides the radar.
hisound "1" - enables the best sound quality - 1 = 22kHz, 0 = 11kHz. [0-1]
host_framerate "0" - Sets a "time / clock" server, but only in singleplayer, and during playback, you can use it to scroll.
host_profile "0" in the console displays information for all clients connected to the server and the ping. [0-1]
host_speeds "0" - Displays the server fps, ping, statistics, transfer, etc. rendering statistics. [0-1]
HostMap - When you change the map command "map nazwa_mapy" HostMap is set to the name of the new map.
hostname - Sets the server name.
hostPort - Sets the server port.
hpkextract <file_name> [all | 1 idx] - Extract the files from the. HPK
hpklist <file_name> - List of files in the file nazwa_pliku.hpk
hpk_maxsize "1.5" - Sets MAXimum file size (M custom.hpk holds the logo of other players. Set to 0 means that there is no limit.
hpkremove <file_name> <index> - Deletes files from the file nazwa_pliku.hpk
hpkval <file_name> - Checks the "state" data in the file nazwa_pliku.hpk
/ / / HUD_ \\
hud_capturemouse "1" - on / off cursor commandmenu (does not work cs 1.6). [0-1]
hud_centerid "0" - Determines where you want the player's nickname, the nacelowaniu at him in the lower left-0, or the cursor-1. [0-1]
hud_deathnotice_time "6" - time in which they are displayed information about the deaths (those in the upper right corner).
hud_draw "1" - on / off display of HUD (the amount of money, HP, time, radar, sight, etc.). [0-1]
hud_drawhistory_time "5" - The time in which HUD icons are displayed, for example, when buying weapons.
hud_fastswitch "0" - on / off quickly change weapons without the need to confirm your shot selection. [0-1]
hud_saytext "1" - on / off display of in-game chat. [0-1]
hud_saytext_internal "1" - on / off display of in-game chat. [0-1]
hud_saytext_time "5" - The time in which subtitles are displayed in the chat. [0-1]
hud_takesshots "0" - on / off screen statów doing before changing the map. [0-1]
impulse 100 - Turn on the flashlight.
impulse 201 - Draw the logo.
invnext - Selects the next weapon hud'zie.
invprev - Selects the previous weapon hud'zie.
ip localhost - If you can not establish a connection, you must enter the server console this command with the server ip.
ip_clientport - Sets the TCP / IP client on the LAN.
ip_hostport - Sets the TCP / IP.
ipx_clientport - Sets the port for IPX LAN client.
ipx_hostport - Sets the port IPX server.
joyadvanced "0" - set to "1" allows you to use commands that begin with: joyadvaxisX, where "X" is the letter of the axis. [0-1] More about Joystickach HERE
Joyadvaxisx "0" - Controls mapping of the X-axis input device (typically joystick left and right) - Allows the joystick to turn. [0-4]
Joyadvaxisy "0" - Controls mapping of the Y-axis input device (typically joystick forward and backward) - Allows the joystick to move with the front and rear. [0-4]
Joyadvaxisz "0" - Controls mapping of the Z-axis input device (typically joystick throttle) - Not used. [0-4]
Joyadvaxisu "20" - Controls mapping of U axis input device (custom axis - Assassin 3D trackball left and right, WingMan Warrior turnover SpinControl and SpaceOrb) - Sets the Assassin 3D to relative move in left and right. (Not self centering). [0-20]
Joyadvaxisv "18" - Controls mapping of the input device, the axis V (custom axis - Assassin 3D trackball forward and backward and the variance in SpaceOrb) - Sets the Assassin 3D to relative, looking to free up and down. (Not self centering). [0-20]
Joyforwardsensitivity "-1.0" - Controls the speed of top-down, or how much joystick movement is required to run in przódlub back at full speed.
Joyforwardthreshold "0.15" - controls the neutral zone to move in front and back.
joyname "Joystick" - Sets the name of the joystick.
Joypitchsensitivity "-0.25" - Controls prędkość or ratio used when you look up and down using the Assassin 3D - This option allows you to look up and down from a 45 degree angle without repositioning your hand.
Joypitchthreshold "0.15" - controls the neutral zone for looking up and down.
Joysidesensitivity "1.0" - Controls prędkość top-down, or how much joystick movement is required to run at full speed sideways.
Joysidethreshold "0.15" - controls the neutral zone to move sideways.
Joyyawsensitivity "-0.5" - Controls prędkość or ratio used when you look left and right using the Assassin 3D - This option allows you to look left and right with a 90 degree angle without repositioning your hand.
Joyyawthreshold "0.15" - controls the neutral zone for walking to the left and right.
joywwhack1 "0" - Enables special tuning curves for Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick - fixes a problem with centering. [0-1]
joywwhack2 "0" - set to "1" to fix the problem "out of control" (no checks) if you use a joystick for turning or looking at the left / right. [0-1]
kick "Nazwa_gracza" reason "- Allows adminowi for kicking players. You can type in console "status" and instead nicku_gracza can enter its number. Example: Do not kick Player Cheat! - The player will see: Kicked by Console: Do not cheat.
kill - Committed suicide.
lastinv - Removing the last used weapon.
lightgamma 2.5 - Sets the strength of light.
listen - Activate / deactivate the possibility of connecting to the server. [0-1]
listid - Displays a list of banned players SteamID.
listip - Displays a list of banned players ip.
listdemo nazwa_dema - Displays information about the console demo nazwa_dema: size, number of frames, time, etc..
loadas8bit "0" - Decreases the sound quality (up to 8 bits). [0-1]
log - Allows you to store the console to a file. [0-1]
logaddress_add Set address and port of the remote server on which to save the logs from the game. <ip

logaddress_del Removes the address and port of remote server <ip

logaddress_delall - Removes all addresses logged on to the list.
logaddress_list - Displays all addresses that are used by the command: logaddress.
logsdir logs - Defines the folder where logs will be saved.
lookspring "0" - Activate / deactivate the automatic centering of the image, if Mouse Look is turned off (-mlook). Also excludes the possibility of moving the mouse up and down. Should be set when Mouse Look is on (+ mlook). [0-1]
lookstrafe "0" - when it is turned on when you move the mouse side to side instead of rotating strejfujesz. [0-1]
lservercfgfile "Listenserver.cfg" - Sets the config, which is automatically loaded when the server is expected Listen.
m_filter "0" - on / off filtering of mouse movements, and smooths out her moves. [0-1]
m_forward "1" - When it is turned on and turned off MouseLook (mlook) by moving the mouse forward and backward move.
m_pitch "0022" - Sets the ratio (multiplier) for the command sensitivity. He is responsible for the vertical axis. It is something like zoom_sensitivity_ratio. Thanks m_pitch sens'a can be reduced even further in the game (even below the value "1"). sense * m_pitch = true sense. If the value for m_pitch you type '-' give us the vertical axis is reversed so InvertMouse. Besides m_pitch also works as a loop'er, ie an action is repeated about twice per second.
m_side "0.8" - Sets the speed with which you can strafować using the mouse. You must have: lookstrafe "1" and MouseLook (+ mlook).
m_yaw "0022" - Sets the ratio (multiplier) for the command sensitivity. He is responsible for the horizontal axis. It is something like zoom_sensitivity_ratio. If the value for m_yaw you type '-' give us a reversed horizontal axis.
map - Change the map when you change all players disconnect from the server, it is better to use the command: "changelevel.
mapchangecfgfile "Server.cfg" - Complete this confg when changing the map (eg to restore the old settings.)
mapcyclefile "Mapcycle.txt" - File Server mapcycle'u with (the order of play map).
max_shells "120" - Sets the number of scales.
max_smokepuffs "120" - Sets the amount of balloons on crutches on the wall.
max_queries_sec "0.5" - Sets how often the customer can check the status of the server (all-seeing eye, scripts www)
max_queries_sec_global "10" - Sets how often you can actually check the server status.
max_queries_window "30" - Sets the size of the time window to check the query as you have problems with HLSW timeout set in the 10th
maxplayers - Maximum number of players, remember that the reservation systems of slots on the server usually take 2 slots.
mcache - Displays models / spritesy currently located in the cache, as is always the first printed map.
menuSelect "X" - Select items from the menu.
messagemode "Message" - Sends a message to all on serve.
messagemode2 "Message" - Sends a message to players from the team.
/ / / MP_ \\
mp_autokick "1" - on / off banning for TK and kicking for AFK. [0-1]
mp_autoteambalance "1" - on / off autobalance, ie compensates to keep the number of players in teams. [0-1]
mp_buytime "1.5" - Specifies the time at which you can buy weapons. [.25 <]
mp_c4timer "45" - Sets the time from planting the bomb to its explosion. [1915-1990]
mp_chattime "10" - Sets the time in which players can write on the chat before changing maps. [1 <]
mp_consistency "1" - Test the connection to the server if the client did not modify their sounds or models (unless you do not check the sprites). This only validates the importance of these files. [0-1]
mp_decals "300" - Sets the max. number of sprites, decalsów, logo, blood on the ground visible on the screen.
mp_fadetoblack "0" - on / off black screen after the death of a player, but the player sees further hud and can chat with each other. [0-1]
mp_flashlight "0" - on / off the ability to use a flashlight. [0-1]
mp_footsteps "1" - on / off hearing the steps (both his and the opponent). [0-1]
mp_forcecamera "0" - Sets the opportunity to watch someone in spectator mode. 0-You can watch all, 1-you can only view your team (there is no free look option), 2-you can watch only the first-person perspective, 3-you can only watch his team (running free look). This command works the same as mp_forcechasecam, but when these two commands to set a value other than 0, you set the value of mp_forcechasecam.
mp_forcechasecam "0" - Sets the opportunity to watch someone in spectator mode (see mp_forcecamera). [0-3]
mp_fragsleft - Displays the number of frags in the console to reach the remaining mp_fraglimit (frags limit, after which the change map), but the command does not exist in mp_fraglimit cs 1.6 (wtf?), So I do not know why mp_fragsleft is an active command.
mp_freezetime "6" - Sets the time during which you can not move at the beginning of each round. [0 <]
mp_friendlyfire "0" - on / off FRIENDLYFIRE, ie the possibility of inflicting injuries to players on their team. [0-1]
mp_hostagepenalty "13" - Sets the number of hostages you can kill before the server you kicknie, set to 0 disables this command. [0 <]
mp_kickpercent "0.66" - Percentage of players from one team needed to kicknięcia another player from the server during vote'owania it.
mp_limitteams "2" - Maximal number of players, which may be more than one team in the second. Set to 0 disables this command. [0 <]
mp_logdetail "0" - Save the date to the cstrike / logs logs from the game: 1-Logs attacking enemies, 2-Logs attacking your team, 3-Logs attacking anyone (except the hosts). [0-3]
mp_logecho "1" - on / off command echo login at the server console. [0-1]
mp_logfile "1" - on / off the server console login to foot. [0-1]
mp_logmessages "1" - on / off login chat (Say's) to file. [0-1]
mp_mapvoteratio "0.66" - Sets the percentage of players who must vote on the same map before the change. [0.0-1.0]
mp_maxrounds "0" - Sets the number of rounds played adjustment increase on the map. 0 disables this command. [0 <]
mp_playerid "0" - Specifies the information displayed on nacelowaniu on someone. 0-displays all the nicknames, 1-Shows the nicknames of your team and the hosts, 2-Does not display anything, even the hosts. [0-2]
mp_roundtime "5" - Sets the minimum time round. [1-9]
mp_startmoney "800" - Sets the state of our portfolio at the beginning of the map and after a reboot. [0-16000]
mp_timeleft "0" - Sets the time remaining until the end of the map if it is set mp_timelimit. Set to "0" disables this command. [0 <]
mp_timelimit "0" - Sets the time after which the map is changed. Set to "0" disables this command. [0 <]
mp_tkpunish "0" - on / off killing committed players for TK (killing a player from his team). [0-1]
mp_windifference "1" - sets a limit to win rounds, where a team can have more than the other, for example,
(Mp_windifference "8" T = 15: CT = 7 = Change map). Set to "0" disables this command. [0 <]
mp_winlimit "0" - Sets a limit rounds wins, followed by a change maps. [0 <]
model "Barney" - Sets the player model in the HL. Available models: barney, gina, Gman, Gordon, helmet, hgrunt, recon, robo, scientist, zombie.
motd - Displays "message of the day" - message of the day.
motdfile motd.txt - Sets a file to display "message of the day."
motd_write - Saves the file motd.
MP3Volume "0.2" - Sets the volume empetrójek.
name "Name" - Sets the name of the player.
net_address - Used to specify the address where you ListenSerwer (if you have multiple IP addresses for example).
net_chokeloop "0" - Applies bandwidth / bandwidth choke'u to retransmit packets.
net_graph - Enables a graph that displays the status fps, ping, status, etc. 0/1/2/3 packages. More about net_graphie TU. [0-3]
net_graphpos "0" - set appropriately to the left, right, center graph. [0-2]
net_graphwidth "192" - Sets the width in pixels (negative values \u200b\u200brather not give anything interesting.)
net_log "0" - on / off logging "events" network to a file. [0-1]
net_scale "5" - defines the scale packages 1px default is 5 bytes of data. Change the value of 1 will increase the size (more stretched to the top), values \u200b\u200bgreater than 5 flattens a graph only for the second net_graph
net_showdrop "0" - displays a message on the console when you "get lost" package. It works for both client and server. [0-1]
net_showpackets "0" - displays the movement of incoming / outgoing packets. It works for both client and server. [0-1]
noclip - You go through walls, requires sv_cheats "1". [0-1]
nosound "0" - on / off most of the sounds, but like the sound of walking shot. [0-1]
notarget - Enemies do not attack you, requires sv_cheats "1". [0-1]
password - Sets the password from the server when entering the password-protected server (via the search engine servers, and not by IP connect).
pausable "0" - on / off the ability to stop play on the server.
pause - Stops the game requires pausable "1".
Ping - Displays the ping of all players.
pingservers - Refresh ping servers on the server list.
play nazwa_liku - Plays a file. wav
playdemo nazwa_dema - plays a demo.
playvol '9 '- Sets the volume of sounds played the demo. [0-10]
pointfile filename - Opens file maps \\ nazwa_pliku.pts.
port "27015" - Sets the server port.
quit - Exit the game.
/ / / R_ \\
r_aliastransadj "100" - Sets the max. distance of objects rendered, (does not work cs.) [SOFT]
r_aliastransbase "200" - Sets the max. distance of objects rendered, (does not work cs.) [SOFT]
r_ambient_b "0" - artificially change the current direction of the light in the blue. [SOFT, 0-255 SPM]
r_ambient_g "0" - Artificial light of recent changes in the direction of the green. [SOFT, 0-255 SPM]
r_ambient_r "0" - artificially change the current direction of the light in the red. [SOFT, 0-255 SPM]
r_decals "4096" - Sets the max. number of sprites, decalsów, logo, blood on the ground visible on the screen. This is not the same as mp_decals. Reset to mp_decals when connecting to the server. [OpenGL, D3D 0 <]
r_detailtextures "0" - on / off more retail textures. [OpenGL 0-1]
r_drawentities "1" - Controls the display of objects, models, sprites - the software works only mode. 0-Does not display nothing but the textures and HUD, 1-Displays all normal, 2-Displays all normal, except sprites, models, weapons and characters (they are composed of many white boxes / polygons, you can not see certain models thrown a grenade, lying weapon on the ground), 3-displays everything normally except sprites, models, weapons and characters (more simple boxes, they are less less than the value "2" are no longer just white), 4-displays everything normally except sprites, models weapons and characters (they are more skompllikowane and boxes is more than the value of "3", are more colorful), 5-For every weapon there is one individual box / polygon. [0-5]
r_drawflat "0" - set to 1 shows how the game engine is divided drawn surfaces. [SOFT, SPM 0-1]
r_draworder "0" - on / off the possibility of "seeing through walls", shows what is calculated by the wall (do not know what it was). [SOFT, SPM 0-1]
r_drawviewmodel "1" on / off view of weapon for a split second to turn off the weapons for a long view, type: alias m_pitch "r_drawviewmodel 0. [0-1]
r_dspeeds "0" - on / off statistics on the console display speed rendering of objects. The first number is the time in ms how the game engine needs to drawn with the image frame (needs developer "1"). [SOFT 0-1]
r_dynamic "1" - on / off dynamic lighting, glowing objects shed light on other objects / walls forming projekce such missiles in HL. [OpenGL, D3D 0-1]
r_fullbright "0" - set to a rendering all the textures with no dynamic shadows / lights, then get the white texture so that even a flashlight is not visible. 2 lightmap rendering method, and all models are shaded by Gouraud. 3-lightmap rendering method. 4-Same as the value of "3". but it also shows "mip level" surface with respect to each player. [SOFT, SPM 0-4]
r_glowshellfreq "2.2" - Sets the frequency żażenia / player models glow plug sterownaych by the server, for example, glow when player spawn in deathamtchu, player glow pink for the TA / TK.
r_graphheight "10" - Sets the height of an adjustable graphu r_timegraph command. [SOFT]
r_lightmap 'D3D = 0 "/ SOFT =" -1 "- in D3D set to" 1 "or" -1 "has the effect of white walls, and software set to" 1 "removes the light, clear skies only. [SOFT/D3D "-1" - "1"]
r_lightstyle "-1" - Set to "1" removes The complete light on the map, I can only see other players and the sky. [SOFT "-1" - "1"]
r_luminance "0" - Set to "1" makes the whole map luminuje green / blue. [0-1]
r_maxedges "7200" - Sets the maximum number of edge planes / surfaces for rendering. [SOFT 7200 <]
r_maxsurfs "2000" - Sets the maximum number of planes / surfaces for rendering. [SOFT 2000 <]
r_mirroralpha "1" - on / off reflective (reflective, reflective) texture. Does not work because sprawiało some rendering problems. [0-1]
r_mmx "0" - on / off support for MMX technology processors. [0-1]
r_norefresh "0" - on / off refresh the world and HUD. [OpenGL/D3D 0-1]
r_novis "0" - Set to 0 renders only those objects which may be visible from certain points of the map. Set to 1 renders everything no matter where the site lies on the map. Set to 0 przuspiesza rendering process considerably. [OpenGL/D3D 0-1]
r_numedges "0" - on / off display of the console to keep the number of edges on the screen. The first number indicates the currently rendered edges, the second number is the max. number of edges that the engine can draw on the screen (which is limited by r_maxedgesvariable), last number represents the number of all visible edges of the component maps according to the VIS for the map. The first number must be equal to or less than the third number, because the game engine "cuts" edges that are "covered" or overlap and can not be normally visible. [SOFT 0-1]
r_numsurfs "0" - on / off display of the console to keep the number of planes visible on the screen. The first number is the areas which are currently being rendered, the second number is the max. number of planes that the engine can draw on the screen (which is limited by r_maxsurfs), last number represents the number of all visible surfaces of the parts of the map according to the VIS for the map. [SOFT 0-1]
r_polymodelstats "0" - on / off display of the console to keep the number of models shown on each image frame (the first model is always the player's gun.) If the number exceeds 64, some models may not be rendered and will not be displayed. [SOFT, SPM 0-1]
r_reportedgeout "1" - on / off display of the console to keep the number of edges Unlisted currently on the screen (you must have developer 1).
[SOFT 0-1]
r_reportsurfout "1" - on / off display of the console to keep the number of planes Unlisted currently on the screen (you must have developer 1). [SOFT 0-1]
r_speeds "0" - is used as a measure of performance maps by mapperów. Displays the console to keep the number of FPS'ów, delay in the display, the value and the value epoly wpoly.
r_timegraph "0" - on / off display of the "time / clock" graphu from FPS'ów. [SOFT 0-1]
r_traceglow "0" - Set to "1" vision prevents light being projected env_glow-made, and some models of the explosion sprites by humans (eg hostage cs, Scientists and monsters in HL), when the source is for these models. [0-1]
r_wadtextures "0" - Determines whether the game is to use the attached files. Defects or not. [0-1]
r_wateralpha "1" - set to 1 enables the alpha-blending, a degree of transparency of the water. Set to "0" allows you to see what is under water (you must have r_novis "1"). [OpenGL/D3D 0-1]
r_waterwarp "1" - set to "0" disables the effect of waves, when we are under water, it also increases the clarity of water. [SOFT 0-1]
Radio1 - Open the menu of the first radio
Radio2 - Open the menu of the second radio
radio3 - Opens the third radio
rate - Sets the maximum limit of bytes received by you jaie come to the server. [1000-25000]
rcon - The command that we must enter the command to use console, rcon, like rcon sv_restartround "1". More about rcon'ie TU
rcon_address - Sets the server ip you want to get access rcon'a, if empty - this is the ip number to which you are currently connected to the game, otherwise you must enter.
rcon_port - Sets the server port to which you want to get access rcon'a, if empty - it is a port to which you are currently connected to the game, otherwise you must enter.
Rebuy - Buys the previous equipment and weapons.
reconnect - Once again, connects to the server.
record nazwa_dema - Records a demo.
reload - Reload the current map.
removedemo - Removes the demo.
removeid - Removes the ID of the file banned.cfg.
removeip - Removes file Listip.cfg IP.
restart - Resets the map.
retry - Reconnecting to server
room_type - Mapperzy use this to do the echo on the maps. Changes automatically when a player enters the zone, where it is being used env_sound. [0-28]
/ / / S_ \\
s_2dvolume "1" - Set the volume adjustment increase, which sounds can be played in 2D. ["0" - "1.0"]
s_a3d '"- On / off support for the A3D technology. [0-1]
s_automax_distance "30" - Sets MAXimum distance that sound can travel. [S_automin_distance <]
s_automin_distance "2" - Sets the minimum distance that sound can travel. [0-s_automax_distance]
s_bloat "2.0" factor for polygons in A3D 2.0 only. Effectively scaled by the specified number of polygons. This can fill the gap left by not rendering small polygons.
s_buffersize "65536" - Sets bufer in bytes for the sounds.
s_disable_a3d - Disable support for the A3D technology. [0-1]
s_distance "60" - Sets the ratio / multiplier for the units in the game, and meters. Has an impact on the speed, position and distance of sound. Higher values \u200b\u200bwill make it closer to hear everything.
s_doppler "0.0" - Sets the game the Doppler effect. [0-10]
s_enable_a3d - Enables support for the A3D technology. [0-1]
s_eax - Enables support for EAX. [0-1]
s_geometry "0" - on / off rendering of geometry only in A3
s_max_distance "1000" - Specifies the distance in meters, at which the volume is minimal. For example, if it is set to 3m, then the volume will be highest at a distance of 3 m and below, and half the volume at a distance of 6 m [s_min_distance <]
s_min_distance "5" - Specifies the distance at which the volume is muted (Mute). When sound is muted relieve the load on the CPU, unless you mix hardwarowego.
s_numpolys "200" - Specifies the maximum number of polygons for rendering. A3D 2.0 only. Setting this command is the same as utawienie 's_geometry 0'. [0 <]
s_occfactor "0250" - Sets the absorption of sound intensity from the walls. [0-1.0]
s_occlude "0" - on / off occlusion, or reproduction of sound passing through a fixed obstacle. Only in A3D 2.0. [0-1]
s_polysize - Determines the smallest area polygon that is to be rendered to the occlusion. The higher the value the better the renderer, but higher CPU usage. [0 <]
s_refdelay "4" Specifies the delay between the sound source and its closest reflection in A3D 2.0 only - higher the number the greater the difference between the sound source and reflection. [0-100]
s_refgain "0.4" sets the increase / enlarge the individual reflections. The gap grows high frequency is filtered [/ b] and the volume decreases. Only in A3D 2.0. [0-10]
s_reflect "1" - Enable reflection of sound (echo), A3D 2.0 only. [0-1]
s_reverb "1" - enables reflection, imitation, artificial reverberation rooms. [0-1]
s_rolloff "1.0" - Specifies the volume level under influence of the gap between sound and listener. It may be in the range 0.0 (no rolloff) to 10.0. A value of 1.0 means that the effect is realistic.
s_show "0" - on / off display on the right side of the screen currently reenacted sounds. [0-1]
s_usepvs "1" - Turns on or off, operating tables PVS (calculates a list of objects visible depending on the position of a player).
s_verbwet "0.25" Controls the wet / dry mix of sound reflections. The higher the value the more "wet" reflectance. Only in A3D. [0-1.0]
say "Shout" - Sends a message to everyone on serve.
say_team "Shout" - Sends a message to each team.
scr_centertime "2" - Sets the time in seconds that the information will appear yellow in the middle of the screen, like: "Terrorists Win", "You injured a Hostage"
screenshot - Does the game screen, the same as the snapshot.
sensitivity - Sets the mouse sensitivity.
servercfgfile server.cfg - Sets the config, which will be loaded automatically when you assume a dedicated server.
serverinfo - Displays information about the server.
setdemoinfo - Adds information to the demo.
setinfo "Dm" "1" On / Off display info about the map.
setinfo "Lefthand" "0" - Activate / deactivate display of weapons in his left hand.
setinfo "Ah" "1" - on / off atutomatyczne tips (Autohelp): place a c4 bomb spot, you have the bomb find the target zone or drop it another terrorist c4 etc..
setinfo "Vgui_menus" "1" - Change the menu, buying and teams. "1" - Picture menu, "0" - text menu.
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "1" - Like the earlier ones.
setinfo "_ah" "1" Like autohelp, but in previous versions cs.
setinfo "_pw", "Password" - Set the password on one server.
setinfo "Friends" "0" - Shows friends in the game, it's probably a frags tp.
setinfo "Ghosts" "0" - Enable / disable updating of information on the observers.
setmaster - Sets the IP for the master server.
showpause - When set to "1" shows the HUD'zie icon representing the game, ie, whether the game is spauzowana or not. [0-1]
shutdownserver - Turn off the server.
sizedown - Reduces the screen size increases the fps.
sizeup - Increase the size of the screen, reduces fps
slist - Find a list of servers in the console on the local network.
slot "X" - Selects the slot (instead of "X" put the figure 1-10).
snapshot - It does picture of the game.
snd_noextraupdate "0" - When enabled disallows the update of audio files during rendering potentially "slow down" shares (and takes more fps).
snd_show "0" - Displays console information about the sounds that are currently being played, and which not. [0-1]
speak - Say the word (just words from a file pak0.pak in sound / vox).
soundinfo - Displays information about: channel stereo, sampled, and DMA channels speed of sound.
soundlist - Displays a list of all loaded files.
/ / / SPEC_ \\
spec_autodirector "1" - Locks the camera in spectator mode, the camera "chase cam", can not then move the mouse.
spec_autodirector_internal "1" - Prevents the mouse in spectator mode, the camera "chase cam".
spec_decal - Commentator HLTV proxy sprejuje custom decal - logo
spec_drawcone "1" - Shows the orange cones / triangles in spectator mode, the camera "overview" to indicate which way a player looks at observed.
spec_drawcone_internal "1" - Shows the orange cones / triangles in spectator mode, the camera "overview" to indicate which way a player looks at observed.
spec_drawnames "1" - Shows the nicknames of players in spectator, the camera "overview"
spec_drawnames_internal "1" - Shows the nicknames of players in spectator, the camera "overview"
icons spec_drawstatus "1" - Shows the status of the game (the map name, time) in the upper right corner of the screen.
spec_drawstatus_internal "1" - Shows the status of the game (the map name, time) in the upper right corner of the screen. The command is not working since Steam.
spec_help - Shows help screen
spec_menu - Opens a menu of the viewer / observer
spec_mode <1-6> [<0-4>] - sets the main view, the second parameter controls the PIP, not all combinations work
spec_mode_internal "1" - Sets the first camera you'll have the set right after the entrance to the spectator mode, or how they kill you. Changes automatically when you press the space bar, ctrl, or command "spec_mode" spectator mode. The value you set before entering the server to work. 1-Blocked "Chase Cam", 2-Slow "Chase Cam" 3 - "Free Look", 4 - "First Person", 5 - "Free Map Overview", 6 - "Chase Map Overview."
spec_pip "0" - Sets a spectator mode, this small, square screen (picture-in-Picture). 0-Off, 1 - "Chase Cam" player, 2 - "First Person", 3 - "Chase Map Overview" (Remote), 4 - "Chase Map Overview" (approx.), 5-Zbugowany mode, it shows on the small screen All spritesy overview mode, ie: orange cones, nicknames for players, the red circles significant position player, etc..
spec_scoreboard "0" - on / off the table in spectator mode.
spec_toggleinset - Change the mode in the Picture-in-Picture.
startdemos - Play the demo with a loop, ie, one after another.
startmovie filename - Plays video.
status - Displays info about the console gamers liczbnie, ID, ping, fragach, nick etc..
stop - Ends to record a demo.
stopdemo - Stops playing the demo.
stopsound - Mutes the sound on the map.
suitvolume - Sets the volume of items in the game HEV, such as lift kits.
/ / / Sv_ \\
sv_accelerate "5" - Sets the speed of acceleration. In cs is locked on the value of "5". The HL is not locked, and the default is "10". [5]
sv_aim "0" - Enable Auto-Aim, ie, that the sight is blocked at a certain level, and it can only move sideways. Works only in HL, the server must be sv_cheats "1". [0-1]
sv_airaccelerate "10" - Sets the speed to accelerate through the air. On surf_mapach standard is "100". [0 <]
sv_airmove "1" - on / off ability to move up in the air. [0-1]
sv_allowdownload "1" - Allows customers to download files from the server (models, sprays, Soundy). [0-1]
sv_allowupload "1" - Allows the server to download files from the client (models, sprays, Soundy). [0-1]
sv_alltalk "0" - on / off opportunity to talk through the microphone dead player \\ yz live and communicate with players from different teams. [0-1]
sv_bounce "1" - Sets the multiplier "bouncing" for physically simulated objects collision.
sv_cheats "0" - on / off the ability to use "illegal" commands / codes during the game. [0-1]
sv_clienttrace "1" - Sets hitboxy something like, that even as there nacelowujesz for someone you can get into it (must be sv_cheats "1"). Now the command is locked and can not be changed. [1]
sv_contact - It is used to set the owner meil server, such as sv_contact
sv_downloadurl - With this command, the client can download files via HTTP (much faster) than the standard from the server. set "" To return to normal feeding.
sv_enableoldqueries "0" - on / off support for the old server queries (thanks to this command, you can use the HL1 Engine Master Server Query Protocol). [0-1]
sv_failuretime "0.5" - Sets the time after which the server without any otrzymnia package from a customer stops also send its data until the client sends a data packet again. [0 <]
sv_filetransfercompression "1" - on / off packing and sending compressed files to the client. [0-1]
sv_filterban "1" - not let the server banned people. Setting to "0" means that everyone would be banned by IP, but their ip will not be banliście. [0-1]
sv_friction "4" - Sets the friction / slip surface. Is blocked cs the value of "4". [4]
sv_gravity "800" - Sets gravity on the server. With the value "0" can not jump, and the "12000" can not jump. When negative values \u200b\u200bare output as the value of "0", but can be much quicker to jump. [<12,000]
sv_instancedbaseline "1" - on / off the ability to create server-random "initial conditions" (for things such as grenades, etc.) that are not good "output state" because they are not located in the. Map file. [0-1]
sv_lan "0" - Enables the opportunity to establish a server on the LAN only. [0-1]
sv_lan_rate "20000" - Sets the rate, which will be set at all on the server LAN (must be sv_lan "1"). If sv_lan_rate <1001, then sv_lan_rate will be ignored, and in the customer's value is set to "rate". [1001> 20000]
sv_logbans "0" - on / off logging ban. [0-1]
sv_logblocks "0" - on / off login blocked prOb changes restricted variables. [0-1]
sv_log_onefile "0" - decides whether to welki a log file if you want to create a new at each map. [0-1]
sv_log_singleplayer "0" - on / off the ability to save log files in separate files from the Single Player Mode. [0-1]
sv_logrelay "1" - on / off connection login hltv relay proxy. [0-1]
sv_maxrate "0" - Sets a limit of bytes per second that a server may send to the client. [1000> 20000]
sv_maxspeed "320" - Sets the speed of adjustment increase the players. In cs this is no different than "260" as the standard commands with such prrunning speeds prompted with the Scout (fastest). [1 <]
sv_maxunlag "0.5" - Sets the time in seconds MAXimum intended to compensate for the lag. You must have sv_unlag "1".
sv_maxupdaterate "30" - Sets the adjustment increase the value of a client can set cl_updaterate. [10 <]
sv_maxvelocity "2000" - Sets the speed of adjustment increase for each moving object.
sv_minrate "0" - Sets the minimum value of Bytes per second that the server can send to each client individually. [1000> 20000]
sv_minupdaterate "10" - Set the minimum value that a customer can set cl_updaterate. [10 <]
sv_newunit "0" - Used to clean the files from the saved state of the game (save) from previous levels, while maintaining jaknajmniejszy file size. HL used in SPM. [SPM 0-1]
sv_password - Set the password on the server.
sv_proxies "1" - Sets the number of HLTV Proxy, which can connect to the server (one occupies one slot).
sv_rcon_banpenalty "1" - Time in minutes, which gets a ban (IP) too much prOb incorrect log on to the console RCON.
sv_rcon_maxfailures "10" - Sets the number of times that can be próbować mistakenly logged into the console RCON time set in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before getting banned.
sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30" - Sets the time in which the checks are wrong prwould log into the console RCON.
sv_region "-1" - Sets the region of the world, in which the server (use the filters in the server browser settings). 0-eastCoast, 1-Westcoast, 2-South America, Europe 3, 4-Asia, 5-Australia, 6-Middle East, Africa 7, 255-World.
sv_restart "0" - Sets the time in seconds, after which the map is reset (resets: time, frags, deady, money, etc.). This is the same as sv_restartround.
sv_restartround "0" - Sets the time in seconds, after which the map is reset (resets: time, frags, deady, money, etc.). This is the same as sv_restart.
sv_send_logos "1" - on / off the ability to send players logo (spray on the wall). [0-1]
sv_send_resources "1" - on / off the ability to download the list of required files needed to play on the map. The server must also be sv_allowdownload "1". [0-1]
sv_skycolor_b "0" - Change the color of the sky toward the blue. [0-255]
sv_skycolor_g "0" - Change the color of the sky in the direction of the green. [0-255]
sv_skycolor_r "0" - Change the color of the sky towards the red. [0-255]
sv_skyname "Desert" - Sets the type of heaven, sets the sky until you change the map, but the client must be connected again to see changes.
sv_skyvec_x "0" - Sets the X-axis orientation of the sky.
sv_skyvec_y "0" - Sets the Y-axis orientation of the sky.
sv_skyvec_z "0" - Sets the orientation axis from the sky.
sv_spectatormaxspeed "500" - Sets the speed of adjustment increase mobility player in spectator mode.
sv_stats "1" - Sets whether you want to collect statistics about the use of server CPU. Type in "stats" in the console to view data on CPU earned by sv_stats. [0-1]
sv_stepsize "18" - Sets the adjustment increase the height at which you can get without jumping. The higher the number the better objects can enter.
sv_stopspeed "75" - Sets the friction coefficient on the ground. The default is 100 HL, and CS jes locked in value "75".
sv_timeout "60" - Sets the time in seconds after which the server disconnects the client after the connection is broken.
sv_unlag "1" - Allows the customer to use lag compensation - cl_lc.
sv_unlagsamples "1" - Sets the number of packets, which will average ping calculated, intended to compensate, for example, "1" - The server will calculate the average of the last ping próbki, 2-ping server will calculate the average of the last two próbek.
sv_unlagpush "0" - on / off lag compensation forcing the client by the server. [0-1]
sv_uploadmax "0.5" - Sets a limit MAXimum MB, which is reserved for the customer: sprays, etc..
sv_version - Displays some information about the server version, eg, 47.3647. 47-version protocol-Build 3647 version.
sv_visiblemaxplayers - Sets the number of slots visible in the server browser, such as the server has 16 slots, and set the value for this command, "10" is in the server browser will be visible only "10." It is used to allocate slots for admins, but no additional plugin, anyone can connect to the "hidden" slot.
sv_voicecodec "Voice_miles" - Sets the voice codec. There are two codecs: voice_miles and voice_speex. voice_speex gives better sound quality.
sv_voiceenable "1" - on / off opportunity to talk through the microphone on the server. [0-1]
sv_voicequality "3" - Sets the quality of the voice on the server. The server must be sv_voiceenable "1" and sv_voicecodec voice_speex.Im better voice quality the more bandwidth will be occupied. "1"-2400bps worst quality, "2"-6000bps, "3"-8000bps, "4"-11200bps, "5"-15200bps Best quality. [1-5]
sv_wateraccelerate "10" - Set the acceleration in the water.
sv_wateramp "0" - Increases the waves on the water, set gl_wateramp (same thing only on the client side) for all players.
sv_waterfriction "1" - Sets the friction in the water.
sv_zmax "4096" - Sets the size MAXimum Z-buffer. MAXimum visible distance. Change the value of gl_zmax with each client, which connects the referral to the server. Valve has added this command, because when gl_zmax "0" in D3D you could see through walls.
sys_ticrate "100" - Sets the maximum number of frames per second that the server can convert. The value of 125 is recommended, preferably not have more than 200, some games require a 1000, but hosting companies may enforce these values \u200b\u200bto lower.
texgamma "2.0" - Sets the gamma textures.
thirdperson - Enables the third-person. Requires sv_cheats "1".
timedemo - Makes it uploaded the demo as soon as he lets the hardware, then displays the average fps.
timerefresh - Model of the player turn around its own axis, and the console displays information about the fps of the market.
toggleconsole - Enables the console.
togglescores - On / off stats in the game. It is very similar to + showscores, except that once you enter togglescores, it will be visible until you enter togglescores.
topcolor "30" - Sets the color of your shirt in the HL model that others can see (does not work cs.) [0-255]
Unbind "X" - Removes the key odbindowuje. Instead of "X" key name.
unbindall - Removes all bindy.
unpause - Odpauzowuje game. The server must be pausable "1".
users - Displays a list of players on the server.
v_centermove "0150" - Sets the distance that you need to go to your screen to wycentrował. Required mlook and lookspring "1" [0 <]
v_centerspeed "500" - Sets how fast your crosshair is centered in the middle of the screen. Required mlook and lookspring "1". version - Displays information about the console game engine, version, etc..
vgui_emulatemouse "0" - This option GoldSrc, which will force the mouse emulation (this may be useful for older graphics cards, which display a blinking cursor). [0-1]
vid_d3d "0" acts as a switch between modes: OpenGL and D3D. Broken reconnect it needs to act, and automatically changes the value when connecting to the server.
viewdemo nazwa_dema - Enables Demo Player, to play the demo.
viewframe - Displays a specific (one) picture frame to display the command ViewModel model.
ViewModel "Filename" - Allows you to decide which model, or sprit to be displayed at the place where the map was being used "viewthing" if it was not used when creating the map you will see the message: "No viewthing on map", for example: ViewModel progs / enforcer.mdl.
viewnext - Select the next model.
viewprev - Selects the previous model.
viewsize "120" - Specifies the size of the window where you can see the game (no HUD is in a fixed location). [SOFT 30-120]
violence_ablood "1" - on / off display of larger quantities of blood. [0-1]
violence_agibs "1" - on / off display of pieces of bodies. [0-1]
violence_hblood "1" - on / off display of larger quantities of blood. [0-1]
violence_hgibs "1" - on / off display of pieces of bodies. [0-1]
voice_enable "1" - on / off ability to communicate through a microphone. [0-1]
voice_fadeouttime "0.1" - Number of seconds after which the player's voice fades away when it ends how it smooths out the voice at the end of the conversation. Set to "0" if you want to play sounds through HLSS / HLDJ, because it creates a more subdued tone, and quickly vanishing. [0 <]
voice_inputfromfile - "0" You can let go of one song to other players (poor quality). Put your file. Wav files in the directory SteamApps \\ your @ email \\ counter-strike \\ cstrike. His name must be changed to - voice_input.wav
File Parameters: Sample Rate - 8000Hz, Channels - Mono, Resolution - 16bit. [0-1]
voice_loopback "0" - Allows you to hear my own voice while speaking through a microphone. [0-1]
voice_recordtofile "0" - Save the conversation through the microphone to the files and voice_decompressed.wav voice_micdata.wav in cstrike.
voice_scale "1" - Sets the volume of the votes of other players during the talks through a microphone (and if you use your voice voice_loopback "1"). [0-1]
volume - Sets the volume of the game.
weapon_nazwa - He takes hardware: glock18/usp/deagle/p228/elite/fiveseven / mp5navy/p90/tmp/mac10/ump45 / ak47/sg552/m4a1/aug / m3/xm1014 / scout/awp/g3sg1/sg550 / m249 / c4 / knife / flashbang / hegrenade / smokegrenade.
writecfg - Save the config example writecfg nazwa_configa.cfg.
writeip - Save the ip bans.
writeid - Save the ban.
wait - Stops the game at 10 ms (milliseconds). Used in scripts to separate the two commands that immediately after the niedziałają (because it is too soon.)
waveplaylen nazwa_pliku.wav - The game calculates and determines the time needed to complete play the file.
waterroom_type "14" - Sets room_type under water. Set to 0 to have a clear sound under water, unnoticed. See also room_type. [0-28]
zoom_sensivity_ratio - Sets mouse sensitivity when in sniper zoom.
If you have any command to write about to be updated.
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